About Us

OUR VISION: "Growing confident and independent learners whilst embracing papatūānuku and the holistic view of whānau"


Our centre is an all-day centre open from 8.00am – 5.00pm. We are licensed for up to 30 children in a whanau setting of up to 10 under-twos. 


8-9:30am: Children and parents are welcomed, children settled into activities and play. We follow individual infant’s routines so infants start going to bed whenever they need to.

9:30am: Rolling morning tea begins.  Nappies checked/changed if required.  A variety of activities and free play are offered both inside and out for all children.

11:30am: Nappies are changed and we have a whānau mat time after a tidy up of the inside area.  Children wash their hands for lunch as they are ready. 

1.30pm: Nappies are checked and changed as children wake up and then are free to play both inside and out.

2.30pm: Children wash hands for rolling afternoon tea if they wish.

3.30pm: Nappies and checked and changed.

4:15pm: Late snack time where tamariki are encouraged to get one thing from their lunchboxes.


Our centre is very whānau focused and promote family values and experiences. Our programme is based around the Early Childhood Curriculum Te Whaariki. We use the Te Whāriki’s strands and goals as a framework for our planning and evaluating as well as the notice, recognise and respond method.  We are using the web based portfolio system Educa which allows parents to view, comment and become much more involved in their child’s learning.  Written observations are linked to your child’s learning, development and interests and are put in their individual portfolio’s. We have weekly plans and evaluations that are child initiated and are based on points of interest and strengths noted within the children and the centre environment. These are written up weekly and are displayed on the curriculum board. They are also displayed on our Facebook for parents to view and on Educa. 


Morning teas - We provide a selection of fruit for morning tea. 

Lunch – Children bring their own lunchboxes and we encourage you not to put any treat food in these.  We expect tamariki to eat sandwiches and fruit/veges initially, then yoghurts and any other items after.

Afternoon teas – A variety of baking, vegetables and fruit are offered for afternoon tea.